The most rare and costly coffee and tobacco


In institutions, such because the one right here described, essentially the most uncommon and expensive espresso and tobacco is served to the friends, by the proprietor of the home ; however within the widespread run of Coiiee-kiosques, every particular person brings his personal tobacco in a small bag, which lie carries amid the folds of the scarf that lie wears about his waist, or, ought to he have adopted the brand new costume, in his bosom. A brazier, stuffed with heated charcoal, stands within the condominium, and the stranger is not any sooner seated, and has stuffed his chibouque, (two nearly simultaneous operations,) than the cafejhe seizes a small stay coal in a pair of iron pincers, and deposits it on the summit of the tobacco. When the client lias smoked just a few lengthy whiffs, lie requires espresso, which is revamped one other and bigger brazier, and banded to him in its minute cup of porcelain, standing in a metallic zarf,j| and the few paras which, on departing, are paid for the espresso, are thought of a enough compensation to the attentive cafejhe for his house-room, his goblets of clear cool  water, and his exhausted charcoal, in addition to for the article for which they profess to pay.

There’s a marked distinction within the technique of smoking pursued by the higher class of Turks and that practised by the poorer orders. The rich and fastidious Effendi fills the houdaka * of his chibouque with the delicate and expensive tobacco of Salonica, which he inhales, till spherical the perimeters of the bowl a circle of white ash is shaped, wliieh rises buoyantly from the superincumbent morsel of heated charcoal, when he instantly empties the boudaka, and flings the exhausted weed away, for its aroma has then perished, and the tobacco, to a connoisseur, has change into nugatory ; whereas the boatmen and mechanics smoke the sturdy, coarse produce of Latakia, even to the final fragment. There are different kinds of the “ scented weed” imported from the Crimea, Ormus, Circassia, and completely different elements of the East, however the two already quoted are by far the preferred, and essentially the most extensively consumed.

Institutions at Constantinople

There have been, previously, institutions at Constantinople, referred to as Teriarki Tcharchi, or opium-houses, however these exist now not; they have been performed on the identical precept because the Espresso-Kiosqnes; however within the Teriarki Tcharchi, the comparatively innoxious use of tobacco was accompanied by that of opium, which was handed from visitor to visitor, made up into drugs. One in all them, now not appropriated to its authentic goal, hut quickly mouldering to decay, should be seen within the neighbourhood of the Mosque of Soli- manie. It differs in nothing from a standard coffee-house, save in its extent, which is appreciable; and the depressing victims to this singular vice, so painfully described by the Baron de Tott, almost 100 years in the past, are luckily now not to be seen, as the usage of opium is now thought of disgraceful by the Turks; and a person hooked on its use, is considered that just about out of date animal, a sot, could be amongst ourselves.


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