Affects Your Romantic Relationships


We can’t deny that our experience can fix or ruin a lot. And
also it does affect our lives. The early period of your childhood, the way your
parents brought you up, the way they treated you and each other can mean a lot
for your personal romantic relations in the future. So what are the main ways
your upbringing influences your family life? What should you note and remember?
We present 5 main things to be aware of.

Way 1. The more attentive and loving your parents are, the
more attentive and loving you will be

You tend to inherit the positive role models from your
parents. Hence, if they were loving and attentive to you, you won’t have any
troubles giving your love to your partner. A person who was brought up in a healthy
surrounding will treasure the good attitude and certainly try to act the same
with other people. A child who got enough attention will grow up a harmonious
human being with the correct image of the parents’ role.

Way 2. If your parents got divorced, you can develop a
critical view of love and romance

It doesn’t concern everybody, but it’s not a rare case: if a
child’s parents got divorced for some reason, he or she may start to view
family and love as something fake. We all have trust issues sometimes, and
those who had such situations in their childhood will need extra care to see
that true feelings exist and happy marriage is not a myth.

Way 3. You are likely to follow in your parents’ footsteps
if they have a happy marriage

As you already know, positive tendencies spread easier.
Therefore, if your parents have lived long happy years together, you are very
likely to follow them in this family model. It isn’t hard to inherit the good
attitude and some values that will be the base of your relationship.
Subconsciously, you will choose the ‘right’ person to be your spouse and it
won’t be hard to share a lifetime with them.

Way 4. Your relationship with your mother defines your
relationship with women globally

For the majority of men, their relationship with mother is a
pattern they get used to. That’s why the psychologists say so many men seek for
women who remind them of their mothers. If you had warm relations with your
mom, try to act the same with your bride. If not, pay attention to what can be

Way 5. None of your previous traumas fully defines your

You don’t necessarily have to follow the certain patterns
from your past. If one has enough power, they can overcome the harmful
experience from their past and go on having a truly harmonious relationship. No
matter what was bad back in those days; every day you get another chance to
build your life the way you want it. You have the ability to make some
conclusions and move on.

The past does have some weird ways of affecting your future.
It can come from your parents’ relations in the family or their attitude toward
you. But, despite all that, despite all the harmful experience you might have
had, you can go on to be a happy person and be harmonious in your new

A woman from Bulgaria


A woman from Bulgaria has had 15 procedures to tripple the
size of her natural lips in a bid to make them the biggest in the world.
Student Andrea Emilova Ivanova has been injecting hyaluronic acid into her
lips. The 22-year-old, from Sofia, said her new look has left her feeling more
content with herself and fulfilled her childhood dream of what she hoped to
look like. The German Philology student at Sofia University St. Kliment
Ohridski visited dozens of aesthetic clinics in her city who perform a variety
of cosmetic procedures.

Andrea pays around £135 per treatment but said she had lost
count of how much money she spent over the years. She has an Instagram page
where she posts selfies and has gained more than 15K followers but it’s also
left her subject to abuse. She also gets admirers in equal measure from as far
as the Middle East, Argentina and Australia and some have even proposed to her.

Andrea said: ‘I like my lips now, more than before and I
feel very good and very happy with them because according to me, with bigger
lips I look prettier and in Bulgaria, this is the fashion now.’ ‘There are
people who like me with bigger lips and there are people who like me with
smaller lips but it doesn’t matter to me, because it’s important for me how I
like it.

Other’s people opinion are irrelevant.’ She added: ‘Each
person’s lips are different and each person has an individual restriction on
enlargement, how many millilitres of filler can the lips endure. ‘I can’t give
any indication of how big is too big, or can lips be too big, because for each
person: “big” ”bigger” and ”too big” are different concepts. ‘I’m broad-minded
and I think people should be free to choose, which one for them is big, bigger
or too big. There are no boundaries for me.’

Andrea has always wanted to have lip fillers but denies
being addicted to them. She claims to be unique and said she doesn’t copy any
celebrity when it comes to her aesthetics but insists there is still
competition to beat for having the world’s biggest lip fillers.

When asked if she wants to have the biggest lips in the
world, she said: ‘Yes, why not? In my country the big lips are fashionable and
there are many girls with fillers in the lips too. ‘And for the biggest lips in
the world, I think I still have competition. I don’t look like anyone and I
don’t imitate anyone.’

The student said it’s important for people to follow their
heart and not be influenced by other people’s opinions. She said: ‘I’m glad
that the universe gave me the chance for many people to see me and to know that
I exist and I want to tell people: Be happy and do what you like, don’t let
others restrict your choice.’

Kadikoy Moda


Kadikoy Moda is a fascinating and underrated suburb of
Istanbul. Like many tourists, perhaps, we were drawn to the big attractions of
Istanbul: Sofia, the Blue Temple, the Grand Bazaar, Galata Tower. They were
simply must-dos and became our first priority. But after the first week came
and went, it dawned on us that we wanted to escape from the hustle and bustle
and try to get a small insight into what life in Istanbul is like for locals.
After some online research, we decided that Kadikoy Moda was the destination we
were looking for. Not too touristy but not out in the sticks.

Frequented by locals, vibrant and with plenty of places of
interest. If you haven’t been to Istanbul, you might not know that the city is
huge. Really bloody huge. The kind of huge that takes you on a 30-minute ferry
ride from the gigantic old center to the other side of the city only to
discover a second gigantic center.

For those of you from larger cities, this might seem quite a
mundane fact of city life. But for me, a country girl who used to walk
wide-eyed through Brisbane’s CBD wondering how so much life fit into one small
space, Istanbul is massive. And it’s not just that the city expands so far and
wide geographically. It’s that the vibrancy, the flair, the feeling of
stumbling onto a new side street full of restaurants or a new lane filled with
grocers at every turn follows you wherever you go.

Kadikoy Ferry – How To Get To Kadikoy Moda

The ferry ride to Kadikoy Moda was smooth and enjoyable. One
absolutely fantastic thing about Istanbul is that local teenagers, wearing
bright blue shirts with “Ask Me” written on them, walk around the most touristy
areas of the city assisting tourists with questions about where to go, how to
get around, how to pay for your transport etc. These guys speak English and are
more than happy to talk you through the process of buying a travel card,
advising how much to put on the card and how to use it correctly.

Two such teenagers helped us purchase a travel card to
Kadikoy Moda and we were really thankful that they were around. Even though
signs are often shown in English and Turkish, it can be hard to navigate your
way around.

We cruised happily along the glistening sea for a quick
30-minutes. The ferry left exactly on time, the seats were clean and
comfortable and the whole experience was thoroughly enjoyable. Wind gently
blowing your hair while the waves slowly lull you into a light relaxation kind
of enjoyable. We arrived, ready to explore!

Kadikoy Restaurants and Shops

When you get off the ferry in Kadikoy Moda, you might be a
little underwhelmed. There is a small esplanade with not much happening – a few
food vendors, and further on some small flower stalls surrounded by rubbish and
busy roads with lots of honking. But do not fear. Once you cross these roads,
you will step into a maze of Kadikoy restaurants, cafés, souvenir shops and
fruit stalls decorating the sides of cobblestone streets.

This part of Istanbul is no less fascinating or
tourist-friendly than the old center. In fact, it is even more appealing
because there are fewer tourists, fewer hawkers and a more authentic feel. You
can wind your way along the gorgeous streets, gaping at the old antique shops
where knick-knacks and treasures are sold, grinning at the pillars on the side
of the road that have been painted in different colours or admiring the
majestic Turkish flag which can be found almost everywhere in the city.

This part is also home to many stray cats and dogs who feel
so at home that we even saw one snoozing under a table in a café, making it
impossible for any clients to sit down. But neither the owners no the waiters
cared. It was heartwarming.

In this area a touching tribute to Malala Yousafzai can also
be found.

Kadikoy Market


Kadikoy market (The Kadikoy Balik Pazari) is an absolute
must-see in Kadikoy Moda. And don’t be put off if you’re not a fish lover.

This market has so much more than just that. It is a display
of the finest delicacies Istanbul has to offer – cheese, olives, coffee, nuts,
honey and Turkish desserts. There is also fresh fruit and vegetables, dried
fruits, pickle juice and the famous restaurant Çiya where you can try regional
Turkish cuisine. This enormous variety is why the market is often referred to
as the Produce Market. Make sure you don’t miss it.

Kadikoy Landmarks

We strolled around this little pocket of paradise until we
reached a rather well-known statue in this area – The Bull. This part of the
city thrives with existence and boasts a great selection of cafes, stores and
supermarkets. It is also where we came across an old-school tram that does a
free loop around Kadikoy Moda. We decided to follow the tram tracks and came
across a secluded little street on the left, dedicated to Nazim Hikmet, a
famous Turkish poet.

It was at this point that we realized this part of Istanbul
was much greener than the Old Centre. The amount of shrubbery grew as we
continued uphill and we soon reached the edge of the city where the road ends
on a small cliff. We could have walked down to the beach and continued our
journey on the esplanade, but we were both a little knocked up from so much

Being a tourist can be a tough gig. So, we decided to head
back to the center using a new road. There are several cafes in this part of
Kadikoy Moda with gorgeous views of the sea that are shaded by shrubs and
plants and it’s no wonder why.

This was a suburb of holiday makers, not tourists, but
locals. We passed by tens of hotels and ourselves were passed by tens of Turks
with towels draped over their shoulders as they headed down to the beach for a
dip in the sea.

Kadikoy Moda Street Art

Now, this side of Istanbul has a lot of interesting street
art but the one piece that took the cake for me was that of a portly street dog
sprawled out on a cushion. The dog’s name was Tarçın (Turkish for cinnamon) and
was so well-known and loved by locals (like most street dogs in Istanbul), that
a statue in his honour was created after his death.

Our bathroom at Kale Konak


Suite Kale Konak Cave Hotel Uchisar Goreme Best Boutique
Hotel Cappadocia

One of the upstairs suites that are available at the hotel.
If you prefer lots of light, then this is a great room to choose.

Where Kale Konak really soars above most other cave hotels
in Cappadocia is with its traditional Turkish hammam, or bathhouse, which is
free to use for all guests, 24 hours a day. We had full access to the white
marble hammam, and could choose to lock the door for complete privacy. It is
truly massive, and supplied with herbal soaps, relaxing music, a sauna and
multiple baths and showers. The tiles are heated, and with the steam filling
the room it was a wonderful way to spend the cool evenings. If desired the staff
can call in some professional masseuses to complement your experience, for an
extra fee. For us just soaking up the heat and atmosphere was perfect, and we
took full advantage of this incredible facility.

Hammam Kale Konak Cave Hotel Uchisar Goreme Best Boutique
Hotel Cappadocia

The spacious hammam, available 24/7 for the guests of Kale
Konak Cave Hotel.

Bathhouse Kale Konak Cave Hotel Uchisar Goreme Best Boutique
Hotel Cappadocia

Sitting Area Kale Konak Cave Hotel Uchisar Goreme Best
Boutique Hotel Cappadocia

One of the many sitting areas.

Every morning a delectable local breakfast is served in the
restaurant at whatever time you want, meaning there is no rush to wake up in
the mornings. Expect eggs cooked in any number of ways, bread, olives, a variety
of cheeses, homemade jam, fresh juice, coffee, tea, all spread out covering
every corner of your table. It is more of a feast than a meal, and it wasn’t
uncommon for us to sit there for over an hour picking at all the delicious food
that just never seemed to stop coming. Warning – you may gain weight at Kale

Unfortunately with us timing our stay in the low season,
Kale Konak Cave Hotel weren’t offering their famous dinners. But these are
supposedly multi-course affairs and prepared with love. You have to let the
staff know whether you will be eating dinner by lunchtime, as it takes that
long to make the dishes. Next time we’ll try to be back in summer to sample
their delicacies!

Herbed eggs anyone?

The first breakfast course.

With all the amazing things to enjoy at Kale Konak, it can
be hard to want to leave. Luckily Abdullah really encourages everyone to get
out and enjoy the surrounding area, and they are in a perfect location to set
off on day trips. Being outside of Goreme in the village of Uçhısar makes the
place very quiet by day and night. The towering Uçhısar Castle is magnificent
to climb for sunset, and offers unparalleled views. Their lovely outdoor patio
overlooks Pigeon Valley, which is one of the nicest hikes you can do in
Cappadocia. We did manage to get hopelessly lost in the valley (as we did every
single time we went hiking in the area), but that didn’t matter because it is a
pretty epic place to get lost in.

Affects Your Romantic Relationships


We can’t deny that our experience can fix or ruin a lot. And
also it does affect our lives. The early period of your childhood, the way your
parents brought you up, the way they treated you and each other can mean a lot
for your personal romantic relations in the future. So what are the main ways
your upbringing influences your family life? What should you note and remember?
We present 5 main things to be aware of.

Way 1. The more attentive and loving your parents are, the
more attentive and loving you will be

You tend to inherit the positive role models from your
parents. Hence, if they were loving and attentive to you, you won’t have any
troubles giving your love to your partner. A person who was brought up in a healthy
surrounding will treasure the good attitude and certainly try to act the same
with other people. A child who got enough attention will grow up a harmonious
human being with the correct image of the parents’ role.

Way 2. If your parents got divorced, you can develop a
critical view of love and romance

It doesn’t concern everybody, but it’s not a rare case: if a
child’s parents got divorced for some reason, he or she may start to view
family and love as something fake. We all have trust issues sometimes, and
those who had such situations in their childhood will need extra care to see
that true feelings exist and happy marriage is not a myth.

Way 3. You are likely to follow in your parents’ footsteps
if they have a happy marriage

As you already know, positive tendencies spread easier.
Therefore, if your parents have lived long happy years together, you are very
likely to follow them in this family model. It isn’t hard to inherit the good
attitude and some values that will be the base of your relationship.
Subconsciously, you will choose the ‘right’ person to be your spouse and it
won’t be hard to share a lifetime with them.

Way 4. Your relationship with your mother defines your
relationship with women globally

For the majority of men, their relationship with mother is a
pattern they get used to. That’s why the psychologists say so many men seek for
women who remind them of their mothers. If you had warm relations with your
mom, try to act the same with your bride. If not, pay attention to what can be

Way 5. None of your previous traumas fully defines your

You don’t necessarily have to follow the certain patterns
from your past. If one has enough power, they can overcome the harmful
experience from their past and go on having a truly harmonious relationship. No
matter what was bad back in those days; every day you get another chance to
build your life the way you want it. You have the ability to make some
conclusions and move on.

The past does have some weird ways of affecting your future.
It can come from your parents’ relations in the family or their attitude toward
you. But, despite all that, despite all the harmful experience you might have
had, you can go on to be a happy person and be harmonious in your new

A woman from Bulgaria


A woman from Bulgaria has had 15 procedures to tripple the
size of her natural lips in a bid to make them the biggest in the world.
Student Andrea Emilova Ivanova has been injecting hyaluronic acid into her
lips. The 22-year-old, from Sofia, said her new look has left her feeling more
content with herself and fulfilled her childhood dream of what she hoped to
look like. The German Philology student at Sofia University St. Kliment
Ohridski visited dozens of aesthetic clinics in her city who perform a variety
of cosmetic procedures.

Andrea pays around £135 per treatment but said she had lost
count of how much money she spent over the years. She has an Instagram page
where she posts selfies and has gained more than 15K followers but it’s also
left her subject to abuse. She also gets admirers in equal measure from as far
as the Middle East, Argentina and Australia and some have even proposed to her.

Andrea said: ‘I like my lips now, more than before and I
feel very good and very happy with them because according to me, with bigger
lips I look prettier and in Bulgaria, this is the fashion now.’ ‘There are
people who like me with bigger lips and there are people who like me with
smaller lips but it doesn’t matter to me, because it’s important for me how I
like it.

Other’s people opinion are irrelevant.’ She added: ‘Each
person’s lips are different and each person has an individual restriction on
enlargement, how many millilitres of filler can the lips endure. ‘I can’t give
any indication of how big is too big, or can lips be too big, because for each
person: “big” ”bigger” and ”too big” are different concepts. ‘I’m broad-minded
and I think people should be free to choose, which one for them is big, bigger
or too big. There are no boundaries for me.’

Andrea has always wanted to have lip fillers but denies
being addicted to them. She claims to be unique and said she doesn’t copy any
celebrity when it comes to her aesthetics but insists there is still
competition to beat for having the world’s biggest lip fillers.

When asked if she wants to have the biggest lips in the
world, she said: ‘Yes, why not? In my country the big lips are fashionable and
there are many girls with fillers in the lips too. ‘And for the biggest lips in
the world, I think I still have competition. I don’t look like anyone and I
don’t imitate anyone.’

The student said it’s important for people to follow their
heart and not be influenced by other people’s opinions. She said: ‘I’m glad
that the universe gave me the chance for many people to see me and to know that
I exist and I want to tell people: Be happy and do what you like, don’t let
others restrict your choice.’

Kadikoy Moda


Kadikoy Moda is a fascinating and underrated suburb of
Istanbul. Like many tourists, perhaps, we were drawn to the big attractions of
Istanbul: Sofia, the Blue Temple, the Grand Bazaar, Galata Tower. They were
simply must-dos and became our first priority. But after the first week came
and went, it dawned on us that we wanted to escape from the hustle and bustle
and try to get a small insight into what life in Istanbul is like for locals.
After some online research, we decided that Kadikoy Moda was the destination we
were looking for. Not too touristy but not out in the sticks.

Frequented by locals, vibrant and with plenty of places of
interest. If you haven’t been to Istanbul, you might not know that the city is
huge. Really bloody huge. The kind of huge that takes you on a 30-minute ferry
ride from the gigantic old center to the other side of the city only to
discover a second gigantic center.

For those of you from larger cities, this might seem quite a
mundane fact of city life. But for me, a country girl who used to walk
wide-eyed through Brisbane’s CBD wondering how so much life fit into one small
space, Istanbul is massive. And it’s not just that the city expands so far and
wide geographically. It’s that the vibrancy, the flair, the feeling of
stumbling onto a new side street full of restaurants or a new lane filled with
grocers at every turn follows you wherever you go.

Kadikoy Ferry – How To Get To Kadikoy Moda

The ferry ride to Kadikoy Moda was smooth and enjoyable. One
absolutely fantastic thing about Istanbul is that local teenagers, wearing
bright blue shirts with “Ask Me” written on them, walk around the most touristy
areas of the city assisting tourists with questions about where to go, how to
get around, how to pay for your transport etc. These guys speak English and are
more than happy to talk you through the process of buying a travel card,
advising how much to put on the card and how to use it correctly.

Two such teenagers helped us purchase a travel card to
Kadikoy Moda and we were really thankful that they were around. Even though
signs are often shown in English and Turkish, it can be hard to navigate your
way around.

We cruised happily along the glistening sea for a quick
30-minutes. The ferry left exactly on time, the seats were clean and
comfortable and the whole experience was thoroughly enjoyable. Wind gently
blowing your hair while the waves slowly lull you into a light relaxation kind
of enjoyable. We arrived, ready to explore!

Kadikoy Restaurants and Shops

When you get off the ferry in Kadikoy Moda, you might be a
little underwhelmed. There is a small esplanade with not much happening – a few
food vendors, and further on some small flower stalls surrounded by rubbish and
busy roads with lots of honking. But do not fear. Once you cross these roads,
you will step into a maze of Kadikoy restaurants, cafés, souvenir shops and
fruit stalls decorating the sides of cobblestone streets.

This part of Istanbul is no less fascinating or
tourist-friendly than the old center. In fact, it is even more appealing
because there are fewer tourists, fewer hawkers and a more authentic feel. You
can wind your way along the gorgeous streets, gaping at the old antique shops
where knick-knacks and treasures are sold, grinning at the pillars on the side
of the road that have been painted in different colours or admiring the
majestic Turkish flag which can be found almost everywhere in the city.

This part is also home to many stray cats and dogs who feel
so at home that we even saw one snoozing under a table in a café, making it
impossible for any clients to sit down. But neither the owners no the waiters
cared. It was heartwarming.

In this area a touching tribute to Malala Yousafzai can also
be found.

Kadikoy Market


Kadikoy market (The Kadikoy Balik Pazari) is an absolute
must-see in Kadikoy Moda. And don’t be put off if you’re not a fish lover.

This market has so much more than just that. It is a display
of the finest delicacies Istanbul has to offer – cheese, olives, coffee, nuts,
honey and Turkish desserts. There is also fresh fruit and vegetables, dried
fruits, pickle juice and the famous restaurant Çiya where you can try regional
Turkish cuisine. This enormous variety is why the market is often referred to
as the Produce Market. Make sure you don’t miss it.

Kadikoy Landmarks

We strolled around this little pocket of paradise until we
reached a rather well-known statue in this area – The Bull. This part of the
city thrives with existence and boasts a great selection of cafes, stores and
supermarkets. It is also where we came across an old-school tram that does a
free loop around Kadikoy Moda. We decided to follow the tram tracks and came
across a secluded little street on the left, dedicated to Nazim Hikmet, a
famous Turkish poet.

It was at this point that we realized this part of Istanbul
was much greener than the Old Centre. The amount of shrubbery grew as we
continued uphill and we soon reached the edge of the city where the road ends
on a small cliff. We could have walked down to the beach and continued our
journey on the esplanade, but we were both a little knocked up from so much

Being a tourist can be a tough gig. So, we decided to head
back to the center using a new road. There are several cafes in this part of
Kadikoy Moda with gorgeous views of the sea that are shaded by shrubs and
plants and it’s no wonder why.

This was a suburb of holiday makers, not tourists, but
locals. We passed by tens of hotels and ourselves were passed by tens of Turks
with towels draped over their shoulders as they headed down to the beach for a
dip in the sea.

Kadikoy Moda Street Art

Now, this side of Istanbul has a lot of interesting street
art but the one piece that took the cake for me was that of a portly street dog
sprawled out on a cushion. The dog’s name was Tarçın (Turkish for cinnamon) and
was so well-known and loved by locals (like most street dogs in Istanbul), that
a statue in his honour was created after his death.

Our bathroom at Kale Konak


Suite Kale Konak Cave Hotel Uchisar Goreme Best Boutique
Hotel Cappadocia

One of the upstairs suites that are available at the hotel.
If you prefer lots of light, then this is a great room to choose.

Where Kale Konak really soars above most other cave hotels
in Cappadocia is with its traditional Turkish hammam, or bathhouse, which is
free to use for all guests, 24 hours a day. We had full access to the white
marble hammam, and could choose to lock the door for complete privacy. It is
truly massive, and supplied with herbal soaps, relaxing music, a sauna and
multiple baths and showers. The tiles are heated, and with the steam filling
the room it was a wonderful way to spend the cool evenings. If desired the staff
can call in some professional masseuses to complement your experience, for an
extra fee. For us just soaking up the heat and atmosphere was perfect, and we
took full advantage of this incredible facility.

Hammam Kale Konak Cave Hotel Uchisar Goreme Best Boutique
Hotel Cappadocia

The spacious hammam, available 24/7 for the guests of Kale
Konak Cave Hotel.

Bathhouse Kale Konak Cave Hotel Uchisar Goreme Best Boutique
Hotel Cappadocia

Sitting Area Kale Konak Cave Hotel Uchisar Goreme Best
Boutique Hotel Cappadocia

One of the many sitting areas.

Every morning a delectable local breakfast is served in the
restaurant at whatever time you want, meaning there is no rush to wake up in
the mornings. Expect eggs cooked in any number of ways, bread, olives, a variety
of cheeses, homemade jam, fresh juice, coffee, tea, all spread out covering
every corner of your table. It is more of a feast than a meal, and it wasn’t
uncommon for us to sit there for over an hour picking at all the delicious food
that just never seemed to stop coming. Warning – you may gain weight at Kale

Unfortunately with us timing our stay in the low season,
Kale Konak Cave Hotel weren’t offering their famous dinners. But these are
supposedly multi-course affairs and prepared with love. You have to let the
staff know whether you will be eating dinner by lunchtime, as it takes that
long to make the dishes. Next time we’ll try to be back in summer to sample
their delicacies!

Herbed eggs anyone?

The first breakfast course.

With all the amazing things to enjoy at Kale Konak, it can
be hard to want to leave. Luckily Abdullah really encourages everyone to get
out and enjoy the surrounding area, and they are in a perfect location to set
off on day trips. Being outside of Goreme in the village of Uçhısar makes the
place very quiet by day and night. The towering Uçhısar Castle is magnificent
to climb for sunset, and offers unparalleled views. Their lovely outdoor patio
overlooks Pigeon Valley, which is one of the nicest hikes you can do in
Cappadocia. We did manage to get hopelessly lost in the valley (as we did every
single time we went hiking in the area), but that didn’t matter because it is a
pretty epic place to get lost in.