The kings get to find a name for the city


Zeus has always been cheating on Hera. Accordingly, cheat­ing has to be taken for granted for mankind as well. Moreover, is not Zeus the one who created them?

Hera must be loyal. She is described as a housewife that wait­ing for her husband without questioning. She can be disappointed and hurt but never unfaithful. The men living at that age draw a Hera type for their women. In case of a cheating, the punishment would be more severe than Zeus performed of Hera. Because Hera is immortal, the woman is mortal, however.

As it is seen, by the help of mythological stories we can learn about the social, economic, moral condition of the people living in the age of legends and naturally their understanding of family.

  1. Hera: The wife and the sister of Zeus. She is the goddess of marriage and midwifery. She has a nervous and direful image. She is the queen of the heavens. The biggest temple belonging to Hera is on the Island Sisam. Peacock and cow are known to be her symbols. She is the divine symbol of faithful and loyal wife. Zeus womanizes but she mourns. She is the most beautiful god­dess after Aphrodite. Hera is mostly symbolized with pomegran­ate which is the symbol of reproduction. Her face has a lily white complexion as a representation of beauty. The white heaven is embodies the divine face of Hera.
  2. Athena: God of war and intelligence. She is Zeus’s daugh­ter. Although Metis is her mother, Zeus brings her to the world in a peculiar way. The moment Zeus is caught by Hera while he was with beloved Metis, he becomes entangled and swallows her right there. Zeus will bring the baby of pregnant Metis out of his own head. Intelligent and clever Zeus bears Metis inside his head for a long time. When the time to get rid of her, Zeus makes his master son Hephaistos incise his head and Athena come to the world.

Athena is one of the three representative goddesses of ever virginity. She is more mighty even that the god of war, Ares. She is fair and homespun. Whichever side Athena supports in a war, that side always wins the war. Athena is never displayed nude.

Ram, goat, dove, cypress and owl are her symbols.

In one legend; In Greece, the kings want to build a new city over marvelous lowland. The kings get to find a name for the city they will build. One of the gods or goddesses will name this city. But who? The people of that age decide to set up a race among the gods so as not to offend them. The name of any god who will be able to create the most beautiful and beneficial thing for this city will be given to this city.

The gods and goddesses attending the competition show their skills. Poseidon-god of seas- launches his spear on a rock and a horse comes out of there. Athena throws a gilded spear at the ground and it turns into an olive tree with silver leaves. At the end of the competition Zeus decides that the olive tree created by Athena will be more beneficial for the city and the name of the city becomes Athens after taking the name of Athena.

  1. Hermes: God of wind. His father is Zeus and his mother is Maia who is Atlas’s daughter and one of the nymphs. The young­est god, Hermes, is elegant and attractive. There is a magician wand in his hands. Hermes is also the messenger of the gods. He is god of thieves, merchants and market places and the god who takes the dead ones to underground (Hades). His main mission is to convey the orders of the gods.

hands. The Greeks in Hellene society, who has usually followed the gods as example, do not approve the relations set established with married women. Accordingly, the fact that Ares has seduced a married goddess, Aphrodite, is the main reason of Ares being disliked. And this shows us that the Hellenic people in archaic period gave great importance to sanctity of family.

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