Kara George had saved the country by his glorious battle


Thus, the Turks, with little trouble, regained possession of Kulin’s scimitar. They conducted their prisoners, under an armed escort, through Bosnia, and at length to Constantinople: whence none of them ever returned.

Antonie Bogitsehewitsch was no longer alive, to defend Losnitza, as he had formerly done. Peter Molcr, who had taken his place, did not, it is true, sutler himself to be duped by the bishop’s assurances ; bnt he did not venture to defend the place; and was content to effect his own escape.

In like manner Knes Sima allowed the Turks to advance, without coming to any regular engagement. Kven when they attacked the fortress of liawanj, which was defended by the valiant AVoi  wodes Stojan Tschupitsch, ]\1 iloscli Obrenowitscli, and rota Xenadowitsch  he remained inactive in his camp: paralysed by an unaccountable insensibility : he sent neither ammunition, (of which those chiefs soon felt the want,) nor troops, whose aid they greatly needed: were it only to procure a brief repose after the fatigues to Avhich they had been subjected, and their protracted loss of sleep. For seventeen harassing days, the Woi wodes defended the entrenchment; during which time they affirm that they suffered such privations as had never before been endured in a fortress. At length they abandoned the place to the enemy; who now advanced against Schabaz, where Ivnes Sima was encamped.

The country was now in greater danger than ever. In the year 180G, many considered themselves lost when the Turks had forced their way only from the Drina to Schabaz, without having touched any other districts ; in 1809, the country was thought to be ruined because the enemy had obtained possession of the right bank of the Morawa; but now the Moslems had advanced victorious on both sides, and the Schumadia alone remained free from the invaders. In the first war, Kara George had saved the country by his glorious battle on the Mischar; and, in the second, he had made such excellent arrangements, that the left bank of the Morawa remained unmolested, and in a short time he was able to re conquer the right bank.

Amidst the present difficulties, he was looked for with greater anxiety than ever. An opportunity was now afforded him of establishing his claims to the exercise of sovereign sway over the whole country: he might now have exemplified the uses and privileges of monarchical power. But, from some incomprehensible cause, he neither appeared on the Drina, on the Danube, nor on the Morawa: he remained inactive, with some Momkes; at one time in Topola, at another in the vicinity of Belgrade : nowhere was he seen, and many persons actually believed him to be dead.

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